One of the things I am going to do in the new place (at least I’m pretty sure about this) is paint our dining room black.  I love a cozy / dramatic dining room.  Our guest room at Chez Davis West was black and it really worked out well.  I feel like dining rooms and bedrooms and powder rooms look great in black because you’re not focused on getting a ton of lighting into the space and often they are rooms used more during the evening hours than during the day.  That’s not to say that black doesn’t look great in the daylight as well.  In fact, contrary to popular belief, because black absorbs color and therefore recedes, it can make a room feel bigger.  We have the white Eames Eiffel tower dining chairs, so I think they will really pop against a black backdrop.  Here’s a little pinterest roundup of some of my favorite black dining rooms.

All image original sources via this pinboard