I’m working on putting together a concept board for our living room. Scott loved the board I did for the Baby’s Room so much that he decided I should do one for each area of our house. Now some areas are simpler and therefore don’t need boards, but I’ve tired of the orange in the living room, so I think putting a board together for my new grey / wheat scheme is not a bad idea. I’ve been looking for more muted area rugs to replace our crazy colored ethnic rug and I came across a whole bunch from Home Decorator’s Collection. They are a great source for inexpensive rugs and furniture. And they have a whole new line of bathroom vanities that are done really well. Here are just a few that I happened upon and liked in the neutral range (they have tons more if you like a pop of color). The great thing about putting together a concept board is that I can test out the options and see which works best.