So this weekend was spent out in the yard gardening up a storm – and developing an amazing flip flop tan.  We got half of the yard planted (the back terraced half).  Thanks to Nancy of Weeds Garden Design for her beautiful landscape plan and help with the placing and planting. We went the inexpensive route and planted baby plants so now I just have to go out and sing to them every day so they grow faster.  One day the hope is to have a mix of green, silvery and bronze foliage, natives such as agaves, ceonothus and artichoke (yum) and swaths of rosemary trailing over the garden walls.  Use your imagination….

Plant materials prior to loading into Jess’s Fit and Nancys Boxster – yes they all made it in one trip!

Nancy working on the placement strategy.

 First terrace planted – Artichockes are crying out for WATER!

A brief intermission on Saturday evening – attempted climb to Eagle Rock with Champagne to celebrate our 6th anniversary.  Failed. Ended up back on the patio checking out the plants.

 Jess watering at the end of a long weekend

More watering (the Gods must be happy though because it actually rained in LA today and last night!)