For those of us who are less into jewelry and prefer practical gifts, I thought I’d give you a roundup of items that I love for my kitchen, some of which I discovered a while back and others which are 2020 discoveries that have been life-changing. For the cook in your family or just someone who want’s to get their kitchen in working shape, here you go!

Left to right, top to bottom:
Maldon Salt: I discovered this at a Chicks with Knives cooking class in LA and it’s been a kitchen staple ever since. I bought this bucket a couple years ago and have almost run out. I use it to fill up my salt cellar and I love having a seemingly unending supply of it.
Walnut Bowl: this isn’t the exact one I have but there are tons on Etsy and elsewhere. I use it for garlic, shallots, and ginger in the kitchen and they just look pretty in a natural wood vessel.
Apothecary Pump Jars: I use these in the kitchen for dish soap so I don’t have to look at the ugly dish soap container. They channel classic apothecary containers. I also use them for hand soap in my bathrooms.
Sabatino Tartufi Truffle Zest: Like the Maldon Salt I buy this in bulk. It is so good on pizza, pasta, popcorn, bread with butter. You name it. Lucy’s favorite snack is a tortilla with butter and the “brown stuff”.
Knapp Chainmail Scrubber: This was a 2020 discovery and I can’t say enough. It makes kitchen cleanup and specifically scrubbing so much easier. It’s great on my cast iron skillet and surprisingly loosens up stuff on my non stick skillet without scratching it (I think because you really don’t have to bear down when you scrub).
Glass Olive Oil Decanter: This might be my favorite item of 2020. I wanted something pretty for my olive oil on the counter and this satisfies that but also just makes pouring oil so much easier. The way it’s designed if the oil drips down the nozzle it is caught by a lip and goes back into the decanter and you don’t have to deal with unscrewing a cap. Because of its shape it’s easy to hold onto if you’re cooking and your hands are wet or oily. Can’t say enough.
Silicone Skillet Handle Holder: I cook almost everything in my Lodge Cast Iron Skillet and this helps keep my hands from getting burnt. Simple and useful.
Target Marble Tray: I love corraling things in trays not just in the kitchen but all over the house. This tray is a great smaller but not too small size for your kitchen counter. Put your olive oil decanter, your salt cellar, and your pepper grinder in it.