So, I’ve been blogging away since the spring about our landscaping, but mostly it’s been the terraces in our backyard. We planted the hopseeds, planted our kitchen herb garden, did the backyard planting on the terraces, watched it grow in, and chopped down our mulberry tree and replaced it with an ornamental plum. But from the street side, the front yard was still just a jumble of dirt and weeds.
Finally almost a year after moving in, we have made the plunge and gone on to the front yard planting. Nancy, from Weeds Garden Design did a great job with the landscape plan of perennials, hardy natives and other drought tolerant plantings.
The plants were delivered yesterday and stored in the garage (good to know that our bike reflectors actually work).
The unhealthy and one-sided camelias and hollies were removed (sorry mom!), weeds were wacked and soil was amended – ready for planting (interesting how the hill doesn’t look nearly as steep as before).
Placing the plants begins. Note to readers, a landscape plan is only part of the equation. You need to see the plants in place and adjust accordingly – fill holes, reconsider heights, site conditions etc.
Planting was hard but much easier since the soil was prepped and we didn’t have to pick up the plants at the nursery. The plants are babies, so they look small now, but we can’t wait to watch them gradually grow in. Here is the row of planted phormiums (flax) along the front walk.
The front corner has a swath of grasses creating a sort of “meadow” effect – well, eventually when they get bigger and cover the earth. These grasses are not your typical lawn. They will be flowing and they use much less water than a normal lawn.
Even though it’s still mostly dirt, it looks so much more neat and tidy than before! Now if we could do something about that HIDEOUS street sign!