Last week I posted about my New Years Business Resolutions. In previous years I usually posted my personal resolutions first but this year is so much about growing my business it was just an easier place to start (also business resolutions I find to be more concrete). That’s not to say that I don’t have personal resolutions for 2016.  Let’s take a look back at the past year. Last year’s resolutions were very simple: Exercise more regularly and Be more stylish.  Well, it would be sacrilegious to actually meet your yearly resolutions, wouldn’t it?  I started off pretty good with the exercise.  And summer and spring are always a good time for me because I spend a lot of time in the garden, but I can’t say I really stuck to any sort of “regimen”.  As far as being more stylish, I did the whole capsule wardrobe thing for a few months which really helped clean out my closet and define my style, but I have realized now that I either focus my personal creative energies on my clothes or my house and right now it’s my house.  So clothes have gone by the wayside. It’s just too tiring to have to think about both.  But at least I’m happy thinking about my house and not thinking about my clothes for the time being.  So, on to 2016.

– Spend more ME time. I have come to realize that enjoying a glass of wine while feeding my children dinner does not constitute “me time”. I always thought it was silly those moms that you’d see on TV shows who just didn’t have time to take care of themselves because they were taking care of everyone else. Well the fact is, this sort of creeps up on you.  It’s not that you don’t want to take care of yourself.  For me, it’s just that I can’t find the time – between doing stuff for my house, business, kids etc. it just isn’t feasible.  So this year I’m going to try to get the occasional massage (before I have a crick in my neck from carrying Lucy), a mani and pedi more than twice a year, and actually make it to girls’ nights in the city with my besties.

– Get more regular exercise. I know – yet again (I hope I am not one of those people who constantly resolves to lose 5 pounds). I need to figure out what works for me exercise wise.  I don’t know if it’s regular walks, signing up with Team in Training to do another marathon or going to a yoga studio. But I do know that if I am held accountable to a partner or a group and if I have a goal (like a marathon) I usually do better. I’m competitive by nature so just signing up for a gym membership won’t do the trick.

– Get our Airbnb suite up and running. I have always wanted to be an Innkeeper or own a B&B so I am super excited to have this little taste of hospitality.  I can’t wait for our renovations to be complete, to get the space photographed and and to get the reservations coming in.

Of course I have a bunch of stuff related to our house that I hope to accomplish this year. All of that I consider super fun so I don’t really feel the need to make resolutions around them (Except to make more money in my business to fund my projects 🙂  And I always strive to be a better mother – unwritten resolution – which I feel is helped along by also allowing myself to do some stuff for me. Already just emailed my neighborhood group to see if anyone wants to run or walk with me, so at least that’s a step in the right direction.

What sorts of personal resolutions do you have for 2016?